Peer Review Process

  1. Submission: Authors submit their research papers to the journal.

  2. Editorial Assessment: Upon receiving a submission, the editor-in-chief or handling editor evaluates the paper to determine if it fits within the scope of the journal and meets basic standards of quality and originality.

  3. Reviewer Assignment: If the paper passes the initial assessment, the editor assigns it to one or more experts in the field (peer reviewers) who are typically researchers or scholars with relevant expertise.

  4. Peer Review: The peer reviewers read the paper thoroughly, evaluating its quality, methodology, originality, significance, and validity of findings. They provide comments and critiques to the editor.

  5. Editorial Decision: Based on the feedback from the peer reviewers, the editor makes a decision on the paper. The possible decisions include acceptance, acceptance with revisions, resubmission with major revisions, or rejection.

  6. Author Revision (if applicable): If the paper requires revisions, the authors are typically given the opportunity to revise their manuscript based on the reviewers' comments and suggestions.

  7. Final Decision: After revisions (if applicable), the editor makes a final decision on whether to accept the paper for publication.

  8. Publication: If accepted, the paper undergoes formatting and copyediting processes before being published in the journal.

The peer review process ensures the quality and integrity of scholarly publications by subjecting them to rigorous evaluation by independent experts in the field. However, specific details of the peer review process, such as the number of reviewers, the criteria for evaluation, and the duration of the review process, can vary between journals. If you're interested in the peer review process of the Journal International Journal of Leadership and Innovative Management, I recommend consulting the journal's website or contacting the editorial team for more information.