Supporting youth and business


  • Muxammadov Muhammadali Sirodj o’g’li Termiz davlat universiteti, Yuridik fakulteti talabasi


youth and business support, digital technology, innovative development, as well as the foundation of the 3rd Renaissance


The importance of supporting youth and business in the state.  Today's scientists say;  High-level work is being done to support youth policy and business.  It can be said that today's young people are the pride of our country. The conditions created by our country for young people open the door to wide opportunities for them.  At present, large-scale work is being carried out in our country for the purpose of economic reforms and liberalization of our economy, as well as to support business.  This is one of the most important tasks for the development of our country.  We will talk about these topics during our conversation with you, dear reader.




How to Cite

o’g’li, M. M. S. (2024). Supporting youth and business. International Journal of Leadership and Innovative Management, 1(1), 109–112. Retrieved from