
  • Umurzakov Jamshidbek Jamolitdin ugli Ferghana medical institute of public health 3rd year Master student of the Department of Urology and Oncology


Erectile dysfunction, LICT, pathophysiology, pathogenesis, etiology


The article is devoted to sexual dysfunction, which is currently divided into primary and secondary. Special attention is paid to erectile dysfunction, as a disease, significantly relieve the quality of life. Erectile dysfunction is not only depriving man of sexual pleasure, but also causes a strong decline in overall life satisfaction worsens partnerships, although many wives give reduce erection lower value than their husbands, lowers the mood, to the point of depression, affects the self-esteem. Most scientists call an erection main manifestation of sexuality in men. The article presents the data on the etiology, pathogenesis, physiology and anatomy erection. Discusses the risk factors, divided into three groups. Provides data on the differential diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction using the model LICT (lifting the ban, information, council, treatment), which may be used by physicians of all specialties. In our article covers the topic of adaptation, as the process of maintaining the functional state of homeostatic systems of our organism that provides its preservation, development, performance, maximum life expectancy in inadequate conditions. Is pathophysiology communication mechanism erectile dysfunction with adjustment disorder. The article refers to the indirect iatrogenesis and other reasons that compel patients of erectile dysfunction is not to seek medical help. Key words: adaptation, adjustment disorders, sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, treatment erectile dysfunction.




How to Cite

ugli, U. J. J. (2024). ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY CONNECTION WITH ADJUSTMENT DISORDER. Quest: Journal of Geometry, Mathematical and Quantum Physics, 1(1), 19–24. Retrieved from