Improvement of Pedagogical Technologies of Educating Students to Diligence


  • Kalimbetov Bayram Iskenderovich Associate Professor, Karakalpak State University


pedagogical technologies, diligence, improvement, labor, education, methods


Diligence-oriented education has always been in the center of attention of our state. Because the development of society and the prosperity of the state depends on the rising young generation. We can achieve our goal only if the foundation of education is strong. So it's our ultimate task to get the education system on the right track. The educational process in higher educational institutions is aimed at the comprehensive development of children's abilities and capabilities, the formation of their personality. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on the pedagogue's knowledge of his or her teachers and the use of various methods of education and upbringing. Labor education is carried out in an integrated system, interconnected with the mental, spiritual, moral, physical and aesthetic education of students.


