The Importance of the Education System in Global Climate Change and Adaptation to It


  • Oktamova Marjona Uzbekistan-Finland pedagogical institute, Faculty of natural sciences, 2nd year student of geography and economic fundamentals
  • Toshturdiyev Nurbek National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek 3rd year student of the Faculty of Hydrometeorology


Climate change, temperature, Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse effect, global warming


Education plays a multifaceted role since its inception. No field is immune to the glory of education as it is a famous field in its own right. It is a means to our ultimate goal in life. Education, creativity and innovation are the key in human hands to unlock any locked situation. Climate change issues are the focus of this article, Climate change is a phenomenon that occurs naturally at a very low rate but increases unevenly due to human activity. Thus, inclusion of climate change education in the curriculum is meritorious in all areas. This article talks about climate change, climate change education, various roles of education in the field of climate change.


