Review of Monographs on Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome


  • Sh. Z. Kodirova 1st stage graduate student of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Department of Experimental and Sports Pharmacology
  • S. A. Saidov Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Institute
  • J. O. Mirsultanov Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
  • R. R. Kuchkarova TDPU named after Nizami, candidate of chemical sciences


Dry eye, syndrome, Mark S. Milner, dysfunctional tear syndrome, differential diagnosis


This article talks about the methods of diagnosis and treatment of "Dry eye" syndrome, which is currently spreading among all strata of the population due to various factors, proposed by researchers-scientists in their scientific works, in particular, in their monographs, and used in practice.


