Information Communication Technology and the Conventional System of Justice Delivery in Administration of Criminal Justice in Nigeria


  • Gadzama, Christopher Linus Faculty of Law, Federal University Wukari 08033077037
  • ThankGod Okeokwo Faculty of Law Federal University Wukari 08039316857


ICT, Criminal, Justice, Administration


The conventional methods for justice delivery in Nigeria is time consuming, requires a lot of labour, involves a lot of bureaucracy which ends up defeating the aim of justice. Information Communication Technology is one of the best inventions of mankind in aiding speed and accuracy in service delivery in most sectors not excluding the judicial system. This paper discussed the place of ICT in moving administration of criminal justice from conventional to digital as well as breaching the gaps which necessitated corrupt practices in the system. This paper adopted the doctrinal method and finds that much could be attained in terms of timely delivery of justice to litigants, transparent process of adjudication, access to court, impartiality of Judges and court staff as well as following rule of law in the society. It was recommended that judicial systems in Nigeria adopt and adapt ICT for speedy and corrupt free administration of justice


